Tag Archives: michael jackson

Fireworks, Udders, Death and Respect

” Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it.”
– Judge Learned Hand

Route 53 at the Fair
Route 53 at the Fair

  4th of July is one of those holidays that has grown on me. I’m not overly patriotic, but with time I’ve become a bit nostalgic about what it means to me and those who do really honor the holiday in its truest form. It isn’t just about those who fought for our freedom and independence in 1776, but those who continue to do so. I’ve never been a big fireworks person either. Seeing the scars on the face of one of my uncles who supposedly got scorched by one when I was a little kid probably cured me of any infatuation a little boy could ever have. It probably didn’t hurt either that visiting my grandmother in San Francisco’s Chinatown where firecrackers were recklessly thrown out of windows on innocent people had once rung my ears to the point I thought I had lost my hearing.

  Seven years ago when I joined in partnership with my childhood friend to start a franchise business I would never have imagined myself as someone who would be attending fairs and festivals. To jumpstart our business we became “carnies”.  Selling ice cream at art festivals and county fairs. It seemed so gauche. But we did it for a cause. You see, when we started our business we wanted to do something that would give back. We wanted to contribute to the community and that is why we created our business with Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. Running a small business with a philanthropic business plan to give back to the community was a pretty heady endeavor. We also wanted to do something was fun and that our children would think was cool. Our franchise is based in Marin County, just north of San Francisco and we have spent much of our philanthropic time devoted to youth arts programs, the children’s pediatric ward at the local hospital, and the national headquarters for the Guide Dogs for the Blind.  Our San Francisco franchise has been ironically contributing to the UCSF pediatric cancer unit since we took over. 

  So if you think that selling ice cream doesn’t put smiles on faces, this is one business owner who is proud of what he does.  This  year as we ran our day at the fair we had a time to reflect on the past several years and felt quite proud of what we’d been able to achieve.  We hadn’t made gobs of money, but we had created tons of smiles.  That is what America is about isn’t it?  Lots of people making others smile? 

  Ironic isn’t it?  My grandfather, who brought our family to the US sold meat scraps from a cart until he established a meat distributorship empire that fed his family.  As a butcher, he used to tell me that the most useless part of a cow were its udders and here I am selling a product from those very udders.  Of course I have more fund with it.  We’ve created this great ice cream eating contest where teams race to eat a bucket of ice cream (Vermonster) and then for kids they race to eat pints of ice cream.  It has become an annual spectacle at the local fair.  This year the winning team just missed the world record which was set 3 years ago by 0:02 seconds. 

Me and the Vermonsters
Me and the Vermonsters
Me with the County Dairy Princesses
Me with the County Dairy Princesses
The Moo Crue..a winning effort
The Moo Crue..a winning effort
Kids Pint Eating Contest
Kids Pint Eating Contest

  As you can tell we have a lot of fun with this.  On a more serious topic though I was really hit by the death of all the celebrities (entertainment, political, sport, etc) over the past fortnight.  Forgetting all the media hype, it struck me that this really is a piece of Americana.  A politician, an NFL quarterback, a sex symbol, a rock star, a politician, an actor/credit card spokesperson and a guy on a commercial.    As I ran tonight, I smiled at the irony.  This is truly America and it is funny all of these people were basically sharing the same obituary.  This is truly America in a nutshell.  Not because they all died close to each other, but it really showed the diversity of interests amongst the American people.  Our lives are all so diverse and we celebrate our independence in different ways and worship different icons.

  I might not yet celebrate anymore those who gave us our independence over 230 years ago, but I think we should pay our respects to those who celebrated that Independence and gave us memories to last the rest of our lives.

Ferris Wheel
Ferris Wheel

The Kiss of Life

There must have been an angel by my side
Something heavenly led me to you
Look at the sky
It’s the color of love
There must have been an angel by my side
Something heavenly came down from above
He led me to you
 – from Sade’s Kiss of Life

  “It won’t be easy”, he said.  That was fifteen years ago the night before my wedding when I asked my dad what he thought the secret to a long marriage would be.  I laughed because that is what he’d always say when you pressed him about his own marriage.  “It hasn’t been easy.”  It was always a laughing matter but that night he just told me there is no roadmap but rather a lot of sweat and hard work.  He told me marriage to him was a lot like a second job and if you don’t love it you won’t be good at it.

  Well march ahead 15 years:  2 kids, 3 homes, 4 jobs, 5 cars, and 15 lbs( 1 for every year of marriage)  later I can say he was right but it has been worth every minute.  Last year when we had our 14th, I was sitting around talking with my wife in a Little Italy bar in New York saying how the first 14 years had gone quite smoothly despite the loss of my father and one miscarriage.  We felt pretty blessed and there was no doubt we married the right person.  Little did we know then that about a month later we would find my wife would be diagnosed with breast cancer.  I don’t think this is what my dad had in mind.

  Today’s anniversary will be marked by the passing of two icons from my childhood, Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson.  My mother reminded me of how I had both of their posters up in my room as a kid.  We laughed at how my Chinese grandmother who didn’t speak English had remarked that her grandson had posters of a Black man (Hock gwoi or black ghost) and a half naked white woman (Bock gwoi or White Ghost) up all over his bedroom and that she was not happy about it.  I was fortunate to have met Farrah Fawcett as an 8-yr old on the set of Charlie’s Angels as we knew the hairstylist on the set.  She was the first “older lady” I had a crush on and I was the envy of all my friends as I had her autograph.  Back then though she was married to the “Six Million Dollar Man”, Lee Majors.  I hated his guts. LOL!

  It reminds us of how fragile life is and how we must take care of ourselves.  We all know Michael lived a secluded and eccentric lifestyle which did not appear healthy.  The cancer that Farrah Fawcett had usually has a 70% mortality rate if caught early which was not the case for her. 

  Today also marked for me the first day of a new cholesterol fighting drug for me.  My doctor says this is precautionary as although I lead a healthier lifestyle than most with exercise and diet, my levels are high mostly from a genetic standpoint.  I’m not going to fight it.  He’s right, but I do have to give up grapefruit for the rest of my life it seems as it doesn’t react well with the drug.

    Like our marriage, we didn’t do anything special for our anniversary.  In 2 days my in-laws will be celebrating their 50th anniversary.  And as they wished, they won’t be doing anything.  We’re different though.  We’re just not doing anything because we are both busy right now.  We’ll celebrate in a couple weeks when our calendar frees up.  I had to look it up but I was shocked at the traditional gifts for commemorating a 15th anniversary:

Traditional Anniversary Gift: Crystal
Modern Anniversary Gift: Glass/Watches
Travel Anniversary Gift Ideas: Switzerland, Austria

  Our marriage has never been by the book so those gifts are just guidelines we will choose not to follow.  I have to laugh at this title of this entry as it is the name of the song I chose for our first dance.  My wife didn’t like it and had actually said no when I proposed it to her.    A few weeks later she brought me the same song and said she heard it on the radio and thought it would be perfect.  I looked at her asi if to say, “So this is how it is going to be?”  I just smiled and swallowed my pride.

  Sure my wife and I have our spats.  It is because we are passionate about our marriage and we have lots to fight for.  It hasn’t been an easy 15 years but they have moved swiftly and with plenty of memories.  The Kiss of Life was the right son for us and hopefully we’ll have plenty more.