Not A Breast Cancer Survivor – But A Survivor Nonetheless

In this crazy world of social media and digital technology, I’m sometimes lucky to get caught with a camera available when I run into someone who has had their 15 minutes of fame. Some more relevant than others.

One of my favorite shows is the reality TV show Survivor. I like it for the human dynamics involved. There is teamwork, strategy, ethics, and lots of luck. Much like there is in life. Many times I wonder how I’d do on a show like that. When I first watched the show, I became mortified by the decisions people made and the people that won. Finally on Survivor, they had a guy I could relate to. It wasn’t that Yul Kwon was Asian like me (or just as good looking – Note he was once one of People Magazine’s Most eligible Bachelors), but the way he played the game was great.  He was also reaised in Northern California, had an advanced professional degree and spent time in consulting.

Yul is now entering the entrepreneurial space of frozen dessert with the company Red Mango.  As I own several Ben & Jerry franchises, he and his partners came to me with a few questions and I had a business proposition to discuss as well.  Below is a photo of my wife, Yul and me (I took that photo 15 pounds ago) at his store in Palo Alto on University.  Yep, a millionaire served me some yogurt.

Sierra Exif JPEG

3 thoughts on “Not A Breast Cancer Survivor – But A Survivor Nonetheless”

  1. Hello

    I stumbled across your website while reading about biphosphonates and wanted to say that I enjoyed reading it (I didn’t read all, you’re capacity to write is far too great for me to read all in one sitting).

    My wife was also diagnosed with breast cancer last year and I have two young kids (8 & 6 years old), so much of it hit a note.

    Just wanted to add my well wishes to you and your family for a happy and healthy 2009.



  2. Thanks Andrew,

    My best wishes to you and your family as well. I will be writing a little bit about my wife’s bisphosphonate trial in the coming weeks but if you have any questions, please feel free to shoot me a note.


  3. Hi Erik

    Nothing to add at the moment, glad to hear that the doctors have solid plans in place for your wife. Next step for us is looking at some treatment with SIR-spheres.

    Good luck with your run. 🙂


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